We Love Kids!
Kids Ministry at Headwaters
Headwaters Vision
To be a Church; that ENGAGES in worship that glorifies God; that EQUIPS one another to love like Jesus in a broken world;
that EMBODIES shalom and hope in every influence of life.
Kids Ministry Vision
We desire to cultivate an environment where kids at Headwaters are discipled to love and live like Jesus. As they
experience the grace of Jesus, they will want to know Him and His Word more every day.
Our teachers and caregivers not only love children and desire spiritual growth, they have also completed RTR Training
and background checks so we can say with confidence that they are discipled in safe and healthy environments.
Kids Bible Backpacks
To provide tools and encouragement for Headwaters elementary age kids to study their Bibles and
grow closer to Jesus.
These personalized Bible backpacks have all the “tools” so that our kids can more easily read and study God’s Word
during the week. We would encourage each child to keep their Bible in the bag with their study tools so that it’s easy for
them to pull out their study every day and spend time in God’s Word.
Then, when it’s time to go to church on Sunday or to Life Together on Wednesday, everything is already in their bag,
ready to go!
*If your child does not have a Bible, we would love to provide one for them! Talk to Shelby Dutton or Rachel Dombach.
Children’s Church and the Worship Service
To provide an environment that focuses on knowing the persons of God the Father, God’s son Jesus and the Holy Spirit,
while encouraging kids in their relationship with the Trinity and with each other.
We believe that God created the family as the foundational unit of society and because of this we like keeping families
together during worship. Kids ages 3yrs-4th grade are always welcome to stay with parents during the worship service or
they can head down to Children’s Church during the Meet and Greet time every other Sunday during the school year.
We love to have kids participate as much as they can in the worship service and we also recognize the need to keep little
hands occupied. In light of that, we have put together quiet activity bags. We ask that parents assist your child in utilizing
the different activities found in the bag and most importantly, we ask that you assist your child in collecting the pieces
and putting the bags back together in an orderly way after the service is completed.
Life Together
We seek to cultivate vibrant, authentic disciples of Jesus, who are about LOVE.
TRUTH. ACTION. TOGETHER. We desire to love like Jesus does and serve like He did
in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday Night Bible Study and Discipleship for all ages
6:00-6:30pm Dinner and Fellowship
6:30-6:45pm Games in the Gym for Everyone
6:45-7:45pm Discipleship Groups
∙ Nursery for ages 0-3
∙ Pre-K-5th Grade Bible Study
∙ 6th-12th Grade Bible Study
∙ Adult Bible Study (meet one week and serve on the off week)
7:45-8:00pm Worship in the Sanctuary for Everyone